Over the years, I’ve moved my local office around the constituency – with spells in Dereham, Watton, Attleborough and most recently Wymondham.
Having started in Dereham back in 2010, I’m delighted to officially announce that I have moved my Mid Norfolk Constituency Office back to the town – with my team and I now based at the Breckland Business Centre.
It’s fantastic to finally be back in the heart of the Mid Norfolk constituency.
After a busy Constituency Weekend with:
- The opening of the new museum at Bishop Bonner’s Cottage, Dereham (run by Dereham Heritage Trust)
- Dereham Supermarket Surgery
- #VillageVisits to Old Buckenham and New Buckenham
- A key flooding meeting with Cllr Stephen Askew and councillors from Old Buckenham and Banham
…I’ve had a busy morning with local councillors and my team in the Dereham office working on local casework issues – with me travelling back for important parliamentary business tonight – through until Thursday.
As ever, if I can help with any local matters, please don’t hesitate to contact me via:
Email: george@georgefreeman.co.uk
Phone: 01953 600617
Letter: 333-335 Breckland Business Centre, St Withburga Lane, Dereham, NR19 1FD