The rise in serious flooding in Norfolk over the last few years is caused by a number of factors: climate change; new housing estates with inadequate drain infrastructure; a serious lack of maintenance of our rivers, drains, ditches and culverts; and a lack of clearly understood legal responsibilities.
No one should live in fear of flooding every time it rains.
That’s why:
- I am bringing a Flooding Bill to Parliament to change the laws on planning and flooding liabilities to ensure developers, water companies and other key stakeholders cannot shirk their responsibilities.
- I’m working closely with Norfolk County Council and their Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance to establish an annual Norfolk (Inland) Flooding Prevention Summit – at which the NSFA, with local MPs, will be able to hold the c.35 statutory flooding authorities more firmly to account and better co-ordinate the support that dozens of communities require across the county. The first summit will take place NEXT week.
- I continue to actively work through the Mid Norfolk Flood Partnership to support the dozens of households and businesses that have been affected by flooding over recent months and years.
Today’s CPRE Norfolk Flood Management Conference at Dereham Memorial Hall is a helpful one day conference providing guidance and advice to Parish Councils on how they can help reduce the risk of flooding in their local area – with me following progress closely.
I will also be joining the latest Attleborough Multi-Agency Stakeholder Call later today – to receive an update on the various workstreams being pursued to tackle future flooding in the town. (See more on that work here).
Rest assured, I will keep the pressure up and continue to campaign hard for the urgent reforms we need. I am determined to do all I can to help communities affected here in Mid Norfolk.
Full details on my Mid Norfolk Flooding Campaign work can be found here.