9 July 2012
Congratulations to Wymondham College which has reached the milestone of its 60th Anniversary this year. One of the College’s celebration events involved bringing 42 visitors from French, German and Ugandan partner schools to live and work alongside Wymondham College students. I was delighted to be asked to help facilitate the Ugandan students’ travel visas by writing to my colleague, Home Officer Immigration Minister, Damian Green MP, to press the importance of these visas. I was very pleased they were granted in time for the visit. Bringing school children together from partner schools around the world is a fantastic way to promote an understanding and appreciation of the rest of the globe which the next generation will need to thrive and prosper when they leave school. The celebration event included the burial of a time capsule containing items representing life at the College and all the partner schools. The capsule will be opened during the College’s centenary year in 2051.