George Freeman has been confirmed as the new chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Science in Technology in Agriculture.
The All-Party Group, which involves members from both Houses of Parliament, aims to promote debate among UK politicians and other stakeholders on the role of science and technology in meeting the challenges facing 21st century agriculture.
From a family farming background in East Anglia, George Freeman spent three years in Westminster as Parliamentary Officer of the NFU and Founder of the Rural Economy Group before leaving Westminster in 1996 for a 15 year career in biotechnology venture capital. He takes a particular interest in the translation of new scientific knowledge into commercial practice and is a strong advocate of the potential of Britain's research and enterprise sectors to unlock new growth and development in the global food, medicine and cleantech markets.
“With world population exploding, we need to produce more from less. Access to modern, science-based agricultural technologies and practices is vital, not only to tackle the global challenges of food security and climate change, but also in providing an essential platform for economic growth and trade, in improving the quality and nutritional value of our food, and in supplying novel and renewable sources of energy and industrial products,” said Mr Freeman. “We are on the cusp of a global agricultural revolution with immense opportunities for Britain, but to unlock them we need to invest in our research base.”
“I am delighted to play an active part in raising the profile of agricultural science, and to highlight the need for renewed public sector investment in research of practical benefit to agriculture and food production. Delivering measurable progress on the ground will depend on dynamic and progressive partnerships between public and private sector” he said.