George’s Acceptance Speech at 5.45am on the morning of 8th May.
Thank you Madam Returning Officer.
And can I start by thanking you and all your staff here tonight, at Polling stations across Mid Norfolk today, and all those who have helped ensure that the British people have been able to enjoy our democratic freedoms today. They are hard won.
Our forebears fell on the beaches & in the trenches - and under the Kings Horses - so that we could enjoy those freedoms. We should cherish and nurture them. And remember that hundreds of millions of people around the world tonight can only dream of the day that they can enjoy them.
All of us involved in these elections - winners, losers, helpers - can be proud tonight that we are keeping our democratic traditions alive and well.
Let us be proud that we live in a country where the people can decide, and the politicians serve. Not the other way around as is still the case in so many parts of the world.
Tonight the people of Mid Norfolk have spoken clearly. It is an immense honour & privilege to have been re-elected as the Member of Parliament to serve this special part of Norfolk with such an increased share of the vote in a 5 horse race. I re-covenant again my pledge from 2010 to work for and represent ALL the people of Mid Norfolk regardless of political affiliation, to always put the constituency first, and never take a vote for granted.
And the political mission at the heart of my politics: to shape a modern patriotic compassionate one nation Conservatism that reaches all parts of this country by being outward looking, ambitious and optimistic for those who can, and generous & compassionate for those who need help.
I want to pay tribute to and thank my opponents for a good clean campaign and a chance to air the difficult issues we all know need to be confronted, and to offer the people of Mid Norfolk a real democratic choice.
I'd also like to thank all those volunteers, friends and supporters who have given me such support over the last few weeks, months and years - in particular those of you who have stood with me through the hard times. You know who you are.
During this campaign we have knocked on over 15,000 doors.
It has been a truly inspiring and uplifting experience to see and hear first hand the decency, insight and common sense wisdom of the overwhelming majority of voters.
The same issues have come up again and again. And we have heard you. Real fears and concerns about uncontrolled immigration. Pressure on local infrastructure, facilities and services. The danger of large scale over-development of our countryside and the decline of our Towns and Villages. The need for more opportunities for our young and better connectivity. Hidden poverty and illness, especially mental illness, and the challenge of an ageing society.
These are the themes to which I committed myself in 2010 and on which I will continue to try and work with energy, compassion and common purpose.
Tonight our country is experiencing a political earthquake as the traditional divisions between mainstream patriotic parties of the left and right is challenged by the rise of a shrill inward-looking Nationalism - in Scotland AND England: a knee-jerk, short term politics of supposedly easy shortcut solutions to the real challenges we face.
In the face of this, the people of Mid Norfolk have overwhelmingly embraced a responsible, patriotic, serious, decent one nation compassionate Conservatism of national renewal.
To them both I, and this country, are and will remain profoundly grateful. They know that we are all - as communities and as a country - stronger together - and that there are no shortcuts to putting this great country back on its feet.
Tonight the people of Britain also choose a Prime Minister and Government to see this country through the huge challenges we face at home and abroad and I'm delighted that it looks tonight as though the people have chosen to comprehensively reject the siren voices of the Left promising easy shortcuts - and the shrill voice of self interested sectionalism - and stick to the course of sustained economic recovery based on backing hard work, enterprise, innovation and efficient 21st C public services, true one nation compassionate Conservatism.
The major challenge we face now is clear: to ensure that narrow & divisive forces of Scottish - and English - Nationalism and the 'anti-austerity' parties are not allowed to break this country up and undermine the business confidence we need to secure our recovery.
England and Wales have chosen the Conservatives tonight. Scotland has thoroughly rejected Labour. Now we face the huge task of holding this country together, protecting our trade & security in a dangerous world, reforming our relationship to Europe and continuing the economic recovery on which we everything depends.
Thank you for the chance to serve you again in Parliament, and to be able to play my part, as a local MP and a Minister helping develop the industries, businesses and jobs of tomorrow that underpin our national recovery, in that historic challenge facing our generation.
Together, we can - we must - hold this country together in an increasingly dangerous world. For me that work starts here. Tonight.
I will not shirk my responsibilities - to you and to our country.
Thank you.
George Freeman
Mid Norfolk