Having grown up on my stepdad’s farm and previously worked as a Parliamentary Officer for the NFU, I have always had a strong connection with our agricultural industries and the environment. Farming and all of its associated sectors play a key role in not only our Norfolk (and wider Eastern) economy, but also in the preservation and enhancement of our beautiful rural landscapes and way of life.
That’s why I was delighted that Lord Benyon (Minister for Rural Affairs, access to nature and Biosecurity) chose to visit Norfolk today – going on a number of visits in and around Mid Norfolk with the likes of Anglia Farmers and other.
While I was disappointed not to be able to meet with him and join his visit (due to my ongoing recovery from Covid and a number of virtual ministerial commitments), I was thrilled that representatives of the Wendling Beck Exemplar Project and Breckland Farmers Wildlife Network were invited to a roundtable at lunchtime to participate in a discussion on all things farming.
The Wendling Beck Exemplar Project is an exciting initiative led by local landowners, aimed at promoting wildlife, biodiversity and habitats, and making sure developers that build in Norfolk and other carbon positive businesses must put back into Norfolk by investing in ‘Eco-units’ which provide funds for environmentally beneficial projects, such as tree planting.
The Breckland Farmers Wildlife Network is a farmer-led group comprised of 52 members and cover over 44,000 hectares of farmland, with a focus on creating a landscape scale wildlife network in the Brecks – ensuring it remains not only a special area for agriculture, but also home to a vast (and growing) range of animal and insect species.
To find out more about the Wendling Beck Exemplar Project, please visit my previous webstories here and here, as well as their own website here
To find out more about the Breckland Farmers Wildlife Network, please visit my previous webstory here, and their own website here
Rest assured, I will continue to do everything I can to support our local farming industry and environment. I will also continue to strive to help great groups and projects get the vital audiences they need and deserve.