Having worked in business for over fifteen years before becoming MP for Mid Norfolk, and now serving as a Business Minister once again, I know just how important local businesses are. They really are the engine of our local and national economies.
That’s why I always enjoy visiting and promoting local businesses, and why I was delighted to return to Mirus Aircraft Engineering in Hingham on Friday to join the ground breaking ceremony for their new dynamic testing facility and hear how the team have been getting on since my last visit in 2018.
Founded in 2015 and part of a growing cluster of highly innovative companies in Hingham, Mirus strives to develop and manufacture superior, high performance aircraft seating within shorter timeframes, and with reduced costs but higher reliability. These quality seats are also incredibly lightweight and therefore a step towards the greener, cleaner Net Zero future we all want to see. Lighter seats means lighter planes, which in turn reduces fuel consumption!
To achieve this, the business brings together technologies, expertise and best practices from the Formula 1, automotive and aerospace sectors to create their first class products. Indeed, many of their staff, as well as the technologies and science they employ, have come from the nearby Hethel Engineering Centre, along with the former Lotus F1 team here in Norfolk.
As a constituency MP (and now a BEIS Minister again) who has often spoken about the world class science, innovation and research going on in our part of the world and the very real potential for that to “spin out” companies (small, medium and large) into our towns and villages, I am delighted to see Mirus as an example of exactly that. In the years to come, we will see so many more businesses like this emerging in our area, spreading the prosperity, creating exciting new jobs for our communities and pioneering the science and innovation that will help shape the world.
To learn more about Mirus, please do give their website here a look.
To learn more about the Norfolk Innovation Economy I often speak of, please click here.