NHS Dentistry continues to be one of the biggest issues in my inbox — which is why, with fellow Norfolk MPs, local NHS officials and partners like the UEA, I am actively pressing on with my campaign to bring about the improvements to services that we need.
A key part of that is ensuring we train more dentists right here in East Anglia.
That’s why I have co-signed a letter from the UEA Vice-Chancellor to the Dental Minister Andrea Leadsom – emphasising the enormous opportunity currently on offer to build a new Dental School at UEA at a fraction of the usual cost and urging the Government to support it.
See the letter below.
As we know, statistically, students that study at the likes of UEA and the University of the Arts are far more likely to settle locally than students elsewhere in the country. I believe we would see the same occurring were a dental school established here and, with a full School of Dentistry, more would be incentivised to stay – no longer needing to head to major cities like London in order to progress their skills.
I was delighted to meet with Professor Charles ffrench-Constant at UEA recently to discuss the University’s proposals in greater depth and find out what more I can do, alongside parliamentary colleagues, to help make a new Dental School a reality.
See my video with him above.
There is no doubt that UEA would be the ideal location for a new Dental School and I’m determined to do all I can to help bring it about.
To find out more about my wider NHS Dentists campaign, and to stay up to date with progress, please visit my campaign page here
To see my most recent interventions on NHS Dentistry in the House, please click here