My concern over Vattenfall’ s proposals to site the substations for two offshore wind farms in Necton is well known, and in the over two years that I have following this matter, my office has been flooded with complaints about the manner in which Vattenfall have sought to bring their plans forward.
Rather than set out clean plans and work with the local people to secure their support, Vattenfall have provided vague, inadequate and often misleading answers to legitimate questions from local councillors and the community – seemingly in the belief that their application will be ‘waived’ through irrespective of local opinion because of its national significance. This is of course not acceptable.
Neither I nor the communities concerned are opposed to the principle of offshore wind energy or accommodating the necessary infrastructure to bring it onshore. However, we believe that locals should have a greater say in how it is delivered – where it is situated and how the effects of it are mitigated. Why place a huge substation on some of the highest land in Norfolk when the local community are suggesting it be placed in lower-lying land only a very short distance away?
I welcome the country’s move towards sustainable/renewable energy sources, and the East could be at the forefront of these efforts – bringing valuable skills and investment to our area. However, local views must be taken into consideration and a proper strategic vision for this vital sector must be explored. (I have been a major advocate of an Offshore Ring Main - helping to deliver this key infrastructure, while minimising environmental damage and disruption to local communities).
Having submitted for my views for the Norfolk Vanguard application over recent months, I am now raising my concerns about its sister application, Norfolk Boreas. Please see a copy of my Relevant Representation below.