For too long our area has suffered from poor broadband coverage.
That’s why one of my key missions since becoming the MP of Mid Norfolk has been the improvement of superfast broadband services in our area, and the county as a whole.
Superfast, reliable broadband is essential to life in the 21st century – and with superfast broadband, alongside improved road and rail connections, we can unlock what I have called a ‘Rural Renaissance’ in our area, allowing businesses to set up in our villages and towns and creating new high-skilled jobs and opportunities.
A lot of fantastic progress has been made since 2010 – with superfast broadband coverage in Norfolk now up to 95%, but there is still so much more to do if we are to tackle the most rural parts of our county, including here in Mid Norfolk.
Mid Norfolk is one of three Norfolk constituencies among the slowest in the country for average broadband speeds. We must not be left behind.
I remain firmly committed to lobbying Government and all of the key stakeholders on this issue. I won’t stop until we address that final 5% in Norfolk, and get Mid Norfolk the superfast provision it desperately needs to flourish.
To read more, please do look at my historic work on this website and the recent EDP article in which I have commented (see here).