A busy Constituency Friday in Parliamentary Recess – starting with the regular Norfolk County Council briefing with local MPs this morning.
Too few policy makers in Whitehall are aware of the breadth of innovation, expertise and enterprise driving huge economic opportunities in our part of the world.
That’s why one of my central missions since being elected as MP for Mid Norfolk back in 2010 has been to do all I can to help put the Norfolk Innovation Economy firmly on the map.
Over recent years, Norfolk and the wider New Anglia region has become a cluster of so many world class hubs of science, innovation and enterprise.
It was a pleasure therefore to be introduced to innovative Norfolk seaweed and bio-plastic start-up initiatives and entrepreneurs on Friday’s call – all of whom are doing pioneering work in two highly exciting and rapidly growing sectors that could see our region leading the way, shaping the world of tomorrow, tackling some of the fundamental global challenges we face AND creating the jobs and opportunities that will boost prosperity here in our region.
Rest assured, I will continue to work with colleagues across the East, as well as in Government, to showcase and unlock Norfolk’s vast potential.
To learn more about my work promoting the Norfolk Innovation Economy, please click here
To learn more about my recent New Anglia Cluster visit as Minister of State at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, please click here