Throughout my time as a local MP, I have consistently stated my belief that new developments in our rural towns and villages must be sustainable, accompanied by the necessary infrastructure and services required to support both it and the pre-existing community.
Health provision is an important part of this discussion. Local communities, as well as those moving into new developments, need to know that they can access the local health services they need, when they need them.
That’s why I was delighted to host the next ATTCARE virtual summit this past Friday – with local councillors and representatives from ATTCARE, Attleborough Town Council, Attleborough Surgeries, Norfolk and Waveney NHS Integrated Care Board, Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust, Norfolk County Council, Breckland Council and Homes England all in attendance.
It is vital that there is a proper strategic plan for health and social care in Attleborough – especially given the scale of growth coming to the town. I welcomed the opportunity to reconvene this group, with additional attendees, to discuss in greater depth the pressures and challenges already being felt, and explore what can and must be done if we are to ensure that local residents have the services they require in the years to come. Together, local stakeholders made clear to all of the relevant authorities why Attleborough must see increased support, investment and action if it is to be able to cope with the development on its way.
Once again, the discussions were incredible positive – with working groups being established to pursue follow-up actions and the next meeting set to be scheduled for September.
With the growth coming to the town, the local health services must be supported. I am determined to do what I can to support ATTCARE and their partners as they seek to ensure that happens – and look forward to providing further updates in the coming weeks and months.
To read more about my previous meeting with ATTCARE, please click here.