The A47 is a major transport artery into, and across, our great county, and its full dualling is vital for the long term safety of motorists and absolutely necessary if we are to help Norfolk unlock its full economic potential – delivering thousands of jobs, as well as the growth and prosperity needed, to help us ‘Build Back Better’ and ‘Level Up’.
That’s why I remain committed to playing an active part in the campaign making clear to the Department for Transport, National Highways and other key stakeholders that we must see further investment into the A47 (with full dualling the ultimate goal) – and why I was delighted to be involved in the A47 Alliance’s latest summit earlier today.
Colleagues at Norfolk County Council and the A47 Alliance provided an update on the campaign’s progress, while also opening up the discussion to explore what more work can and should be done if we are to ensure this crucial Eastern route is firmly in the minds of the key decision makers.
Progress has been very slow to date and, while I was incredibly proud to play my part in bringing the then Prime Minister David Cameron to Mid Norfolk back in 2014 to announce a £300 million commitment to dual the North Tuddenham-Easton stretch (as well as other improvements along the A47 – including the redesign of Thickthorn Roundabout), I very much appreciate, and share, local frustrations that those improvements are still to be delivered.
I therefore welcomed National Highways’ reassurances today that they remain firmly committed to those projects and that, pending the outcome of the ongoing Judicial Reviews, are ready to get to work. I also appreciate their confirmation that they remain very interested in supporting the Alliance’s work to push for further Government investment into the route as a whole.
There remains much work to be done, but I will do my utmost (with my fellow Norfolk parliamentary colleagues) to ensure the A47 is prioritised as the people of Norfolk and the East deserve.
I look forward to the next Alliance summit following the summer, at which we should receive news on the updated Business Case Study that the Alliance has commissioned to showcase why full dualling of the A47 should be a priority for UK plc – both economically and in terms of the environment.
To stay up to date with all my work on this campaign, and on the improvement of our local road infrastructure more generally, please visit my website campaign page here
To learn more about the A47 Alliance itself, please visit their brand new website here