As the OffSET campaign for a proper strategic solution to delivering vital Offshore Wind Infrastructure continues, I welcomed the latest OffSET meeting with OFGEM today – at which our collective of MPs once again stressed the importance of an Offshore Transmission Network (sometimes also known as an Offshore Ring Main) being delivered as swiftly and comprehensively as possible.
The importance of proper community consultation was also highlighted, with OFGEM told in no uncertain terms that they need to do more themselves, with National Grid, National GridESO and developers, to drive forward the OTN campaign.
This remains a key campaign for my fellow OffSET MPs and I, and we are working hard to try and secure further meetings with ministers and key stakeholders as we collectively lobby for the proper strategic solution we want to see – and which will in fact enable us to connect more offshore wind power to our National Grid much more quickly.
To stay up to date with all my campaign efforts on this issue, please visit my website here.