Flooding has long been a concern for many in our part of Norfolk – but Storms Babet and Ciarán, along with the heavy rainfall that has impacted many of our local communities over recent weeks, have served as sharp reminders that we must not be complacent.
That’s why, this past Friday, I reconvened the Mid Norfolk Flood Partnership that I first established back in early 2021 to give local councillors, community groups and affected individuals a stronger voice and hold the authorities responsible for flooding response and water management more firmly to account.
With c.30 towns and villages represented, those gathered were able to receive accurate updates from the likes of Norfolk County Council and their Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance, as well as Anglian Water – while also highlighting ongoing local problems and enabling our communities to raise key questions and demand action.
Positive progress has collectively been made over recent years to improve flooding response and strengthen our region’s flooding resilience – with the NSFA leading tranches of targeted support for the worst affected communities and the creation of the Norfolk Flooding Helpline (0344 800 8013) just two examples. However, there is much more to be done – and we need to see EVERYONE upscaling and accelerating their ongoing efforts.
As was the case in 2021 (when the MNFP compiled a list of 14 recommendations that formed the basis of much of the NSFA’s subsequent work and saw me, along with former NSFA Chair Lord Dannatt, lobby ministers and officials in Government for greater support), a number of actions were agreed and I look forward to working with MNFP members, as well as wider partners, to work on those and to drive forward our collective campaign – both here in Norfolk and down in Westminster.
To find out more about my ongoing flooding work, and stay up to date with further updates, please visit my campaign page here.