Having raised the recent, repeated flooding issues on the A47 with National Highways and made clear that they need to urgently grip and address them (see my previous webstories here and here), I share the frustration of many of my constituents after further flooding occurred between Honingham and Easton again last week.
That’s why I am raising the matter with the Regional Director for National Highways again.
Commuters and local communities should not have to face this constant disruption. The A47 is a key transport artery and it’s vital that it isn’t closed due to flooding – or subject to severe delays.
It’s clear that recent works to repair a damaged pipe that should have taken surface water to the nearby River Tud were insufficient. NH must move quickly to implement further solutions.
Rest assured, I will keep on this – and hope to provide a further update soon.
To find out more about my wider flooding campaign work, please visit my website here.
To see more on my work ‘Making Our Roads Fit for the 21st Century’, please visit my website here.