Further to the update I posted yesterday (see here), I am now able to share a copy of the letter, co-written with Henry Cator (Chair of the Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance), that I today submitted to the Minister for Housing, Planning and Building Safety and the Minister for Water and Rural Growth.
Together, Henry and I have highlighted four key policy areas we believe need to be addressed:
- Riparian Ownership Rights
- Funding for Lead Local Flood Authorities and Internal Drainage Boards
- Developer rights to connect surface water to public sewers
- Stricter legal obligations – with large fines if necessary to fund compensation and remedial work – on large scale developers, the Environment Agency, water companies and landowners who fail to fulfil their responsibilities and/or cause flooding.
And we have requested a meeting with both ministers to discuss Flooding in greater depth – as Lord Dannatt and I secured previously.
One of the reasons for stepping back from the Government frontbench was to have more time to help tackle this and to be able to introduce a Bill/legal reforms to the necessary planning rules to get this fixed. We cannot have households across Mid Norfolk continuing to be repeatedly flooded.
Rest assured, I will keep on this.
To stay up to date with my Flooding Campaign, please click here