Dental health is a crucial part of NHS services and it is vital that EVERYONE can access the support they need when they need it.
That’s why, over the past 3 years, I have actively campaigned to secure improvements to NHS dental provision in our region.
While some positive progress has been made, there still remains much more to be done – which is why, as part of my ongoing efforts with parliamentary colleagues, NHS officials and other stakeholders, I welcome the news that the Norfolk and Waveney NHS Integrated Care Board have recently launched a four-week public and stakeholder engagement period around their long term plans for commissioning NHS dental services across the region.
Full details can be found here and in the poster below.
I was delighted when, in April 2023, NHS dental commissioning was transferred from NHS England to our local ICB – giving our local NHS providers and leaders much greater control of our region’s NHS dental priorities. I believe the best people to drive forward progress are the local clinical and care sector leaders and professionals who are working on the frontline – and who have first-hand expertise of the issues being faced.
While they have taken short and medium term measures to deliver improvements, the ICB continue to work tirelessly on their longer term plans – and it is vital that local people take the time to review their progress to date and have their say on the proposals.
The engagement period runs until Wednesday 21st February 2024 and I would encourage all of my constituents who are concerned about NHS dental provision to make their views known.
Rest assured, I will continue to work hard to speak up for my Mid Norfolk constituents on this crucial issue – and look forward to visiting UEA in the coming weeks to further highlight the importance of government supporting the establishment of a full undergraduate School of Dentistry for our region.
More information on all of my NHS dental campaign work can be found here