Over recent years, Norfolk and the wider New Anglia region has become a cluster of so many world class hubs of science, innovation and enterprise.
But too few policy makers in Whitehall are aware of the breadth of this expertise and enterprise driving huge economic opportunities in our part of the world.
That’s why my mission when I was first elected a Member of Parliament – having spent fifteen years starting new technology companies in the Eastern region – was to put the Norfolk Innovation Economy firmly on the map.
That remains a key focus of mine to this day and so I welcomed the opportunity to join the Wymondham U3A group on Friday to discuss my vision for our region – and specifically what I call the ‘Norwich Research Triangle’ (Dereham-Norwich-Wymondham/Attleborough).
If we plan properly and capitalise on our area’s unique position on the frontline of many of the most exciting high growth sectors of today and tomorrow, our region could become the centre of a Rural Renaissance that spreads jobs, new opportunities, prosperity and fresh life into our local towns and villages – all while protecting and enhancing the rural heritage, landscapes and way of life that makes Norfolk such a wonderful place in which to live and work, and to visit.
We need to be better at telling the world that there is more to East Anglia than Cambridge. We need to tell them about the vast, exciting opportunities in our area – and attract their inward investment.
To find out more about my work on the Norfolk Innovation Economy, please visit my website here