We need our market towns to be places where people want to live, work, visit and grow businesses.
That’s why, throughout my time as local MP, I have been a passionate supporter of initiatives looking to enhance our local ‘offer’ – and why, having supported Revd Paul Cubitt’s ‘A Dereham Plan for Dereham People’ event in Dereham in November, I continue to work with him and other key stakeholders from across the town as we seek to establish a non-political, community-led Partnership that can drive forward positive progress in a wide range of areas.
Now named the ‘Dereham Action Partnership’, the group met again this past Friday and is working on a number of positive workstreams – such as how best to strengthen the local community and business voice, work together with partners on key local projects, and help Breckland Council deliver their impressive ‘Dereham Town Delivery Plan’.
With figures from the town’s local public, private and voluntary sectors, the Partnership already has a diverse membership – but we what need is for more local leaders to come forward who have an abiding love for the town.
If YOU are a local Dereham business or stakeholder, please do reach out and signal you interest to be involved.
By building on its heritage and culture, and attracting new investment, new businesses and new jobs and opportunities into the area, Dereham has a fantastic chance to ensure its long term success.
I look forward to doing everything I can to help the Partnership get off the ground and move forward strongly.
To find out more about my ongoing work with the Partnership, please scroll below.

UDPATE 15 February 2024
‘A Dereham Plan for Dereham Residents’ Partnership
Our Mid Norfolk Market Towns are vital hubs of community spirit and services. After a difficult few years, it’s more vital than ever that we do all we can to help fuel their success and prosperity – and shape positive futures for them – so as to ensure they remain thriving and vibrant.
We need our market towns to be places where people want to live, visit, work and grow businesses.
That’s why, having agreed at the ‘A Dereham Plan for Dereham Residents’ event in November to help stakeholders establish a local Partnership that could work with local Councils and drive forward positive initiatives in the town (see more here), I was delighted to chair the first meeting of that new group this past Friday.
With members from across a wide variety of public and private sector fields (including local businesses, the Town Council, Breckland Council, Norfolk County Council, the aboutDereham Partnership and Revd Paul Cubitt at St Nicholas’ Church – among others), we had some promising early discussions – particularly around the future of the High Street and the centre of the town – and are now following up on a variety of actions as the group decides what its main focusses should be and how it might be able to deliver tangible progress.
Rest assured, I look forward to working with the group over the coming months to make sure this cross-party effort takes off – and hope to be able to share further progress updates soon.
To stay up to date with updates on this work, please do regularly check my campaign page here.
UPDATE 6 December 2023
‘A Dereham Plan for Dereham Residents’
Our Mid Norfolk Market Towns are vital hubs of community spirit and services. After a difficult few years, it’s more vital than ever that we do all we can to help fuel their success and prosperity – and shape positive futures for them – so as to ensure they remain thriving and vibrant.
We need our market towns to be places where people want to live, visit, work and grow businesses.
That’s why I was delighted to help organise a recent gathering of business, community and civic movers and shakers at St Nicholas Church in Dereham to bring key stakeholders together and focus on how we all would like to see the town develop, grow and prosper over the coming years.
The idea of Reverend Paul Cubitt (Rector of Dereham), the event saw over 30 people join the conversation – with many others signalling their desire to participate in the conversation going forward.
With the Breckland Local Plan Update underway, there is an important opportunity for Dereham to put forward a strong, positive vision for itself over the next 10-20 years. What we need is for local leaders to come forward who have an abiding love for the town – and I’ve suggested the creation of a non-political, community-led Dereham Plan Partnership that can draw on the expertise and views of all groups in Dereham to help inform the vision and work with Breckland Council to deliver it.
By building on its heritage and culture, and attracting new investment, new businesses and new jobs and opportunities into the area, Dereham has a fantastic chance to ensure its long term success.
I’ve offered to help stakeholders set up and convene the Partnership and am following up with them to see about organising the next meeting and discussion early in the new year. Already, those involved are discussing what more can be done to improve the town market place – the gateway to the High Street and Town Centre.
I look forward to working with the likes of Breckland Council, the Town Council, the aboutDereham Partnership and others over the coming months.
To see the recent EDP article on the event, please click here.
To stay up to date with updates on this work, please do regularly check my campaign page here.