Last week, as part of my ongoing efforts to support Necton Parish Council, the Necton Substation Action Group, local landowners and residents (as well as the Parish Councils and residents in neighbouring villages), I submitted my ‘Relevant Representation’ to the Planning Inspectorate – as part of the pre-examination process for the Norfolk Vanguard project.
I have also written a more comprehensive letter to the Inspectorate to outline in further detail the exact reasons as to why I am opposed to the proposals that have been put forward by Norfolk Vanguard Ltd/Vattenfall UK.
While I am not opposed to the proposals for a substation in this part of Norfolk in principle, and have consistently made clear to my constituents and Norfolk Vanguard Ltd/Vattenfall UK my desire to broker an arrangement that all parties can largely support, the refusal by the applicant to properly consult (particularly on environmental issues and matters concerning siting) has resulted in a set of proposals that are completely unacceptable in their current form.
I remain firmly committed to working with those communities in my constituency that will be so adversely affected should the Norfolk Vanguard proposals be granted permission, and I shall follow this application’s progress closely over the months ahead.
Having spoken to the EDP to make clear my views on this very important local issue, an article was run by them over the weekend and a link to it can be found here. A copy of my letter to the Inspectorate can be found below.
If you would like to share with me your personal views about this matter, please do email me at