Having grown up in East Anglia, I have always had a deep interest in nature and the environment. That’s why I jumped at the chance to support the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy campaign, along with over 500 other MPs.

How we take care of, and educate, some of our most vulnerable people is a measure of us as a society. EVERYONE has the right to a good education.
That’s why, throughout my time as the MP for Mid Norfolk, I have paid particularly attention to SEND provision in our part of the world – both in mainstream education as well as in more specialised schools like Chapel Green School at Old Buckenham and Fred Nicholson School in Dereham.
I have consistently lobbied ministers and officials for greater funding for our rural schools. I also helped Chapel Green School move from their old, cramped, unfit for purpose site in Attleborough and into their brand new, state-of-the-art facility at Old Buckenham, and I am now supporting Jane Hayman and the wonderful team at Fred Nicholson School in Dereham as they look to find a long term solution to their deteriorating current site – whether that be a new school being built on the existing site or a move to a brand new, state-of-the-art facility of their own nearby.
Details on all this work can be found in the webstories below.
To stay up to date with all of work in this area, please do check regularly back here.

Just before Christmas, I was delighted to be at Chapel Road’s Christmas Assembly. Having worked with the leadership team over the last four years to help secure funding for a new purpose built facility in Old Buckenham, I know how dedicated the whole team are to providing the best possible education for the students.

I’m delighted to confirm that – after several years working with Chapel Road School to get the funding for up to date facilities - I heard last week from the Secretary of State that we have ben successful. Chapel Road School is a special school: an inspiring beacon of hope to us all, but most especially to the parents and carers of our most vulnerable children.

At the end of the parliamentary season and just before the office closes for Christmas, I visit Chapel Road School in Attleborough to join their special Christmas Assembly, helping to hand out the end of year awards and join in with the children as they sing Christmas carols to mark the beginning of the festive season.